Proposition I.40
Equal triangles which are on equal bases and on the same side are also in the same parallels
be equal triangles on equal bases BC
, CE
and on the same side.
I say that they are also in the same parallels.
For let AD
be joined; I say that AD
is parallel to BE
For, if not, let AF
be drawn through A
parallel to BE
I.31, and let FE
be joined.
Therefore the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle FCE
; for they are on equal bases BC
, CE
and in the same parallels BE
, AF
. I.38
But the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle DCE
- therefore the triangle
is also equal to the triangleFCE
, I.c.n.1 the greater to the less: which is impossible. ThereforeAF
is not parallel toBE
Similarly we can prove that neither is any other straight line except AD
- therefore
is parallel toBE
Therefore etc.
- Q. E. D.