Proposition 10.115
From a medial straight line there arise irrational straight lines infinite in number, and none of them is the same as any of the preceding.
From a medial straight line there arise irrational straight lines infinite in number, and none of them is the same as any of the preceding.
Let A be a medial straight line; I say that from A there arise irrational straight lines infinite in number, and none of them is the same as any of the preceding.
Let a rational straight line B be set out, and let the square on C be equal to the rectangle B, A; therefore C is irrational; [X. Def. 4] for that which is contained by an irrational and a rational straight line is irrational. [deduction from X. 20]
And it is not the same with any of the preceding; for the square on none of the preceding, if applied to a rational straight line produces as breadth a medial straight line.
Again, let the square on D be equal to the rectangle B, C; therefore the square on D is irrational. [deduction from X. 20]
Therefore D is irrational; [X. Def. 4] and it is not the same with any of the preceding, for the square on none of the preceding, if applied to a rational straight line, produces C as breadth.
Similarly, if this arrangement proceeds