Proposition 10.11

If four magnitudes be proportional, and the first be commensurable with the second, the third will also be commensurable with the fourth; and, if the first be incommensurable with the second, the third will also be incommensurable with the fourth.

If four magnitudes be proportional, and the first be commensurable with the second, the third will also be commensurable with the fourth; and, if the first be incommensurable with the second, the third will also be incommensurable with the fourth.

Let A, B, C, D be four magnitudes in proportion, so that, as A is to B, so is C to D, and let A be commensurable with B; I say that C will also be commensurable with D.

For, since A is commensurable with B, therefore A has to B the ratio which a number has to a number. [X. 5]

And, as A is to B, so is C to D; therefore C also has to D the ratio which a number has to a number; therefore C is commensurable with D. [X. 6]

Next, let A be incommensurable with B; I say that C will also be incommensurable with D.

For, since A is incommensurable with B, therefore A has not to B the ratio which a number has to a number. [X. 7]

And, as A is to B, so is C to D; therefore neither has C to D the ratio which a number has to a number; therefore C is incommensurable with D. [X. 8]

Therefore etc.

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