Proposition 11.28
If a parallelepipedal solid be cut by a plane through the diagonals of the opposite planes, the solid will be bisected by the plane.
If a parallelepipedal solid be cut by a plane through the diagonals of the opposite planes, the solid will be bisected by the plane.
For let the parallelepipedal solid AB be cut by the plane CDEF through the diagonals CF, DE of opposite planes; I say that the solid AB will be bisected by the plane CDEF.
For, since the triangle CGF is equal to the triangle CFB, [I. 34] and ADE to DEH, while the parallelogram CA is also equal to the parallelogram EB, for they are opposite, and GE to CH, therefore the prism contained by the two triangles CGF, ADE and the three parallelograms GE, AC, CE is also equal to the prism contained by the two triangles CFB, DEH and the three parallelograms CH, BE, CE;
Hence the whole solid AB is bisected by the plane CDEF. Q. E. D.