Proposition 9.1

If two similar plane numbers by multiplying one another make some number, the product will be square.

If two similar plane numbers by multiplying one another make some number, the product will be square.

Let A, B be two similar plane numbers, and let A by multiplying B make C; I say that C is square.

For let A by multiplying itself make D.

Therefore D is square.

Since then A by multiplying itself has made D, and by multiplying B has made C, therefore, as A is to B, so is D to C. [VII. 17]

And, since A, B are similar plane numbers, therefore one mean proportional number falls between A, B. [VIII. 18]

But, if numbers fall between two numbers in continued proportion, as many as fall between them, so many also fall between those which have the same ratio; [VIII. 8] so that one mean proportional number falls between D, C also.

And D is square; therefore C is also square. [VIII. 22] Q. E. D.

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