Theory of angles, triangles, parallel lines, and parallelograms.
Theory of angles, triangles, parallel lines, and parallelograms.
And when the lines containing the angle are straight, the angle is called
When a straight line set up on a straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of the equal angles is
And the point is called the
Further, of trilateral figures, a right-angled triangle is that which has a right angle, an obtuse-angled triangle that which has an obtuse angle, and an acute angled triangle that which has its three angles acute.
Of quadrilateral figures, a square is that which is both equilateral and right-angled; an oblong that which is right-angled but not equilateral; a rhombus that which is equilateral but not right-angled; and a rhomboid that which has its opposite sides and angles equal to one another but is neither equilateral nor right-angled. And let quadrilaterals other than these be called trapezia.
Parallel straight lines are straight lines which, being in the same plane and being produced indefinitely in both directions, do not meet one another in either direction.
To draw a straight line from any point to any point.
To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line.
To describe a circle with any centre and distance.
That all right angles are equal to one another.
That, if a straight line falling on two straight lines make the interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which are the angles less than the two right angles.
Things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another.
If equals be added to equals, the wholes are equal.
If equals be subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal.
Things which coincide with one another are equal to one another.
The whole is greater than the part.
On a given finite straight line 1 to construct an equilateral triangle.
Let AB
be the given finite straight line.2
Thus it is required to construct an equilateral triangle on the straight line AB
With centre A
and distance AB
let the circle BCD
be described3; again, with centre B
and distance BA
let the circle ACE
be described; and from the point C
4, in which the circles cut one another, to the points A
, B
let the straight lines CA
, CB
be joined.
Now, since the point A
is the centre of the circle CDB
is equal to AB
. I.def.15Again, since the point B
is the centre of the circle CAE
is equal to BA
. I.def.15But CA
was also proved equal to AB
; therefore each of the straight lines CA
, CB
is equal to AB
And things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another; I.c.n.1
is also equal to CB
.Therefore the three straight lines CA
, AB
, BC
are equal to one another.5
Therefore the triangle ABC
is equilateral; and it has been constructed on the given finite straight line AB
On a given finite straight line
The Greek usage differs from ours in that the definite article is employed in such a phrase as this where we have the indefinite. on the given finite straight line,
i.e. the finite straight line which we choose to take. ↩
Let AB
be the given finite straight line.
To be strictly literal we should have to translate in the reverse order let the given finite straight line be the (straight line)
; but this order is inconvenient in other cases where there is more than one datum, e.g. in the setting-out of I. 2, AB
let the given point be
the awkwardness arising from the omission of the verb in the second clause. Hence I have, for clearness' sake, adopted the other order throughout the book. ↩A
, and the given straight line BC
let the circle BCD
be described.
Two things are here to be quoted,
let it have been describedor
suppose it described,
let a circle have been described, the (circle, namely, which I dequote by) BCD
Similarly we have lower down let straight lines, (namely) the (straight lines)CA
, be joined,
from the point C
Euclid is careful to adhere to the phraseology of Postulate 1 except that he speaks of joining
(let the straight line
(without mention of the points FC
be joinedF
, C
) until I. 5. ↩
each of the straight lines CA
, CB
, CA
, AB
, BC
, straight lines
which are not in the Greek. The possession of the inflected definite article enables the Greek to omit the words, but this is not possible in English, and it would scarcely be English to write each of
or CA
, CB
the three
, AB
, BC
To place at a given point (as an extremity) a straight line equal to a given straight line.
Let A
be the given point, and BC
the given straight line.
Thus it is required to place at the point A
(as an extremity)1 a straight line equal to the given straight line BC
From the point A
to the point B
let the straight line AB
be joined; and on it let the equilateral triangle DAB
be constructed. I.1
Let the straight lines AE
, BF
be produced2 in a straight line with DA
, DB
; with centre B
and distance BC
let the circle CGH
be described; and again, with centre D
and distance DG
let the circle GKL
be described.
Then, since the point B
is the centre of the circle CGH
is equal to BG
.Again, since the point D
is the centre of the circle GKL
is equal to DG
.And in these DA
is equal to DB
But BC
was also proved equal to BG
, BC
is equal to BG
.And things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another; I.c.n.1
is also equal to BC
.Therefore at the given point A
the straight line AL
is placed equal to the given straight line BC
(as an extremity).
I have inserted these words because to place a straight line at a given point
Let the straight lines AE, BF be produced....
It will be observed that in this first application of Postulate 2, and again in I. 5, Euclid speaks of the continuation of the straight line as that which is produced in such cases, in a straight line with
the given straight lines. The first place in which Euclid uses phraseology exactly corresponding to ours when let one side of it,
, be produced to D
the remainder AL...the remainder BG.
The Greek expressions are
but the shade of meaning conveyed by the position of the definite article can hardly be expressed in English. ↩AL
(or BG
) remaining,
Given two unequal straight lines, to cut off from the greater a straight line equal to the less.
Let AB
, C
be the-two given unequal straight lines, and let AB
be the greater of them.
Thus it is required to cut off from AB
the greater a straight line equal to C
the less.
At the point A
let AD
be placed equal to the straight line C
; I.2 and with centre A
and distance AD
let the circle DEF
be described.
Now, since the point A
is the centre of the circle DEF
, AE
is equal to AD
. I.def.15 But C
is also equal to AD
, C
is equal to AD
; so that AE
is also equal to C
. I.c.n.1Therefore, given the two straight lines AB
, C
, from AB
the greater AE
has been cut off equal to C
the less.
If two triangles have the two sides equal to two sides respectively, and have the angles contained by the equal straight lines equal, they will also have the base 1 equal to the base, the triangle will be equal to the triangle, and the remaining angles 2 will be equal to the remaining angles respectively, 3 namely those which the equal sides subtend. 4
be two triangles having the two sides AB
, AC
equal to the two sides DE
, DF
respectively, namely AB
to DE
and AC
to DF
, and the angle BAC
5 equal to the angle EDF
I say that the base BC
is also equal to the base EF
, the triangle ABC
will be equal to the triangle DEF
, and the remaining angles will be equal to the remaining angles respectively, namely those which the equal sides subtend, that is, the angle ABC
to the angle DEF
, and the angle ACB
to the angle DFE
For, if the triangle ABC
be applied to the triangle DEF
be placed on the point D
and the straight line AB
on DE
,then the point B
will also coincide 6 with E
, because AB
is equal to DE
Again, AB
coinciding with DE
, the straight line AC
will also coincide with DF
, because the angle BAC
is equal to the angle EDF
will also coincide with the point F
, because AC
is again equal to DF
.But B
also coincided with E
; hence the base BC
will coincide with the base EF
[For if, when B
coincides with E
and C
with F
, the base BC
does not coincide with the base EF
, two straight lines will enclose a space: which is impossible.
Thus the whole triangle ABC
will coincide with the whole triangle DEF
And the remaining angles will also coincide with the remaining angles and will be equal to them, the angle ABC
to the angle DEF
, and the angle ACB
to the angle DFE
Therefore etc. 8
the base.
Here we have the word base used for the first time in the
which is on a level with the sight(
It is a fact that Euclid's enunciations not infrequently leave something to be desired in point of clearness and precision. Here he speaks of the triangles having the angle equal to the angle, namely the angle contained by the equal straight lines
he speaks of the angles contained by the equal straight lines,
not sides.
It may be that he wished to adhere scrupulously, at the outset, to the phraseology of the definitions, where the angle is the inclination to one another of two lines or straight lines. Similarly in the enunciation of [I. 5] he speaks of producing the equal straight lines
as if to keep strictly to the wording of [Postulate 2. ↩
I agree with Mr H. M. Taylor (
each to each,
the angle BAC.
The full Greek expression would be the angle contained by the (straight lines)
, AC
But it was a common practice of Greek geometers, e.g. of Archimedes and Apollonius (and Euclid too in Books X.—XIII.), to use the abbreviation the (straight lines)
, AC
Thus, on
if the triangle be applied to...coincide.
The difference between the technical use of the passive to be applied (to),
and of the active to coincide (with)
has been noticed above (note on
[For if, when B coincides...36. coincide with EF].
Heiberg (
coincides with E
and C
with F
, the straight line BC
coincides with the straight line EF
, an inference which really follows from the definition of a straight line and Post. 1; and no doubt the Postulate that Two straight lines cannot enclose a space(afterwards placed among the
Therefore etc.
Where (as here) Euclid's conclusion merely repeats the enunciation word for word, I shall avoid the repetition and write Therefore etc.
simply. ↩
In isosceles triangles the angles at the base are equal to one another, and, if the equal straight 1 lines be produced further, the angles under the base will be equal to one another.
be an isosceles triangle having the side AB
equal to the side AC
; and let the straight lines BD
, CE
be produced further in a straight line with AB
, AC
I say that the angle ABC
is equal to the angle ACB
, and the angle CBD
to the angle BCE
Let a point F
be taken at random on BD
; 2 from AE
the greater let AG
be cut off equal to AF
the less; I.3 and let the straight lines FC
, GB
be joined.
Then, since AF
is equal to AG
and AB
to AC
, AC
are equal to the two sides GA
, AB
, respectively; 3and they contain a common angle, the angle FAG
is equal to the base GB
, and the triangle AFC
is equal to the triangle AGB
,and the remaining angles will be equal to the remaining angles respectively, namely those which the equal sides subtend,
to the angle ABG
, and the angle AFC
to the angle AGB
. [I.4]And, since the whole AF
is equal to the whole AG
is equal to AC
, the remainder BF
is equal to the remainder CG
.But FC
was also proved equal to GB
; therefore the two sides BF
, FC
are equal to the two sides CG
, GB
respectively; and the angle BFC
is equal to the angle CGB
is common to them; 4therefore the triangle BFC
is also equal to the triangle CGB
, and the remaining angles will be equal to the remaining angles respectively, namely those which the equal sides subtend;
is equal to the angle GCB
, and the angle BCF
to the angle CBG
.Accordingly, since the whole angle ABG
was proved equal to the angle ACF
is equal to the angle BCF
,the remaining angle ABC
is equal to the remaining angle ACB
.But the angle FBC
was also proved equal to the angle GCB
Therefore etc.
the equal straight lines
(meaning the equal sides). Cf. note on the similar expression in Prop. 4, lines 2, 3. ↩
Let a point F be taken at random on BD
, a chance point.
the two sides FA, AC are equal to the two sides GA, AB respectively,
the base BC is common to them,
i.e., apparently, common to the angles, as the and the base
; Todhunter left out these words as being of no use and tending to perplex a beginner. But Euclid evidently chose to quote the conclusion of I. 4 exactly; the first phrase of that conclusion is that the bases (of the two triangles) are equal, and, as the equal bases are here the same base, Euclid naturally substitutes the word BC
is common to the two triangles BFC
for equal.
As (Being) what it was required to prove
(or do
) is somewhat long, I shall henceforth write the time-honoured Q. E. D.
and Q. E. F.
If in a triangle two angles be equal to one another, the sides which subtend the equal angles will also be equal to one another.
be a triangle having the angle ABC
equal to the angle ACB
I say that the side AB
is also equal to the side AC
For, if AB
is unequal to AC
, one of them is greater.
Let AB
be greater; and from AB
the greater let DB
be cut off equal to AC
the less;
let DC
be joined.
Then, since DB
is equal to AC
, and BC
is common,
, BC
are equal to the two sides AC
, CB
respectively;and the angle DBC
is equal to the angle ACB
is equal to the base AB
, and the triangle DBC
will be equal to the triangle ACB
, the less to the greater: which is absurd. Therefore AB
is not unequal to AC
; it is therefore equal to it.Therefore etc.
Given two straight lines constructed on a straight line (from its extremities) and meeting in a point, there cannot be constructed on the same straight line (from its extremities), and on the same side of it, two other straight lines meeting in another point and equal to the former two respectively, namely each to that which has the same extremity with it.
For, if possible, given two straight lines AC
, CB
constructed on the straight line AB
and meeting at the point C
, let two other straight lines AD
, DB
be constructed on the same straight line AB
, on the same side of it, meeting in another point D
and equal to the former two respectively, namely each to that which has the same extremity with it, so that CA
is equal to DA
which has the same extremity A
with it, and CB
to DB
which has the same extremity B
with it; and let CD
be joined.
Then, since AC
is equal to AD
is also equal to the angle ADC
; [I.5] 1 therefore the angle ADC
is greater than the angle DCB
;therefore the angle CDB
is much greater than the angle DCB
. 2
Again, since CB
is equal to DB
is also equal to the angle DCB
.But it was also proved much greater than it:
Therefore etc.
equal to the angle
It would be natural to insert here the step but the angle
is greater than the angle BCD
. [C.N. 5].
much greater
literally greater by much
(much more then is the angle
but the Greek for this would have to be BDC
greater than the angle BCD
If two triangles have the two sides equal to two sides respectively, and have also the base equal to the base, they will also have the angles equal which are contained by the equal straight lines.
be two triangles having the two sides AB
, AC
equal to the two sides DE
, DF
respectively, namely AB
to DE
, and AC
to DF
; and let them have the base BC
equal to the base EF
I say that the angle BAC
is also equal to the angle EDF
For, if the triangle ABC
be applied to the triangle DEF
, and if the point B
be placed on the point E
and the straight line BC
on EF
will also coincide with F
, because BC
is equal to EF
.Then, BC
coinciding with EF
, AC
1 will also coincide with ED
, DF
;for, if the base BC
coincides with the base EF
, and the sides BA
, AC
do not coincide with ED
, DF
but fall beside them 2 as EG
, GF
Therefore it is not possible that, if the base BC
be applied to the base EF
, the sides BA
, AC
should not coincide with ED
, DF
so that the angle BAC
will also coincide with the angle EDF
, and will be equal to it.
If therefore etc.
To bisect a given rectilineal angle.
Let the angle BAC
be the given rectilineal angle.
Thus it is required to bisect it.
Let a point D
be taken at random on AB
; let AE
be cut off from AC
equal to AD
; I.3 let DE
be joined, and on DE
let the equilateral triangle DEF
be constructed; let AF
be joined.
I say that the angle BAC
has been bisected by the straight line AF
For, since AD
is equal to AE
, and AF
is common,
, AF
are equal to the two sides EA
, AF
respectively.And the base DF
is equal to the base EF
is equal to the angle EAF
. I.8Therefore the given rectilineal angle BAC
has been bisected by the straight line AF
To bisect a given finite straight line.
Let AB
be the given finite straight line.
Thus it is required to bisect the finite straight line AB
Let the equilateral triangle ABC
be constructed on it, I.1 and let the angle ACB
be bisected by the straight line CD
; I.9
I say that the straight line AB
has been bisected at the point D
For, since AC
is equal to CB
, and CD
is common,
, CD
are equal to the two sides BC
, CD
respectively;and the angle ACD
is equal to the angle BCD
is equal to the base BD
. I.4Therefore the given finite straight line AB
has been bisected at D
To draw a straight line at right angles to a given straight line from a given point on it.
Let AB
be the given straight line, and C
the given point on it.
Thus it is required to draw from the point C
a straight line at right angles to the straight line AB
Let a point D
be taken at random on AC
; 1 let CE
be made equal to CD
; I.3 on DE
let the equilateral triangle FDE
be constructed, I.1 and let FC
be joined;
I say that the straight line FC
has been drawn at right angles to the given straight line AB
from C
the given point on it.
For, since DC
is equal to CE
, and CF
is common,
, CF
are equal to the two sides EC
, CF
respectively;and the base DF
is equal to the base FE
therefore the angle DCF
is equal to the angle ECF
; I.8
and they are adjacent angles.
But, when a straight line set up on a straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of the equal angles is right; I.def.10
is right.Therefore the straight line CF
has been drawn at right angles to the given straight line AB
from the given point C
on it.
let CE be made equal to CD.
The verb is to place
; and the latter word is constantly used in the sense of making, e.g., one straight line equal to another straight line. ↩
To a given infinite straight line, from a given point which is not on it, to draw a perpendicular straight line.1
Let AB
be the given infinite straight line, and C
the given point which is not on it; thus it is required to draw to the given infinite straight line AB
, from the given point C
which is not on it, a perpendicular straight line.
For let a point D
be taken at random on the other side of the straight line AB
2, and with centre C
and distance CD
let the circle EFG
be described;
be bisected at H
, I.10 and let the straight lines CG
, CH
, CE
be joined. say that CH
has been drawn perpendicular to the given infinite straight line AB
from the given point C
which is not on it.
For, since GH
is equal to HE
, and HC
is common,
, HC
are equal to the two sides EH
, HC
respectively;and the base CG
is equal to the base CE
is equal to the angle EHC
. I.8 And they are adjacent angles.But, when a straight line set up on a straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of the equal angles is right, and the straight line standing on the other is called a perpendicular to that on which it stands. I.def.10
Therefore CH
has been drawn perpendicular to the given infinite straight line AB
from the given point C
which is not on it.
a perpendicular straight line
on the other side of the straight line AB
, literally towards the other parts of the straight line
,on the same side
(in both directions
If a straight line set up on a straight line make angles, it will make either two right angles or angles equal to two right angles.
For let any straight line AB
set up on the straight line CD
make the angles CBA
I say that the angles CBA
are either two right angles or equal to two right angles.
Now, if the angle CBA
is equal to the angle ABD
But, if not, let BE
be drawn from the point B
at right angles to CD
; [I. 11]
are two right angles.Then, since the angle CBE
is equal to the two angles CBA
be added to each; 1 therefore the angles CBE
are equal to the three angles CBA
. [Again, since the angle DBA
is equal to the two angles DBE
be added to each; therefore the angles DBA
are equal to the three angles DBE
. [But the angles CBE
were also proved equal to the same three angles;
are also equal to the angles DBA
.But the angles CBE
are two right angles;
are also equal to two right angles.Therefore etc.
let the angle EBD be added to each,
literally let the angle
be added (so as to be) common,Let the common angle
is clearly an inaccurate translation, for the angle is not common before it is added, i.e. the EBD
be addedLet the common angle be subtracted
as a translation of common,
and I have therefore said to each
and from each
simply. ↩
If with any straight line, and at a point on it, two straight lines not lying on the same side make the adjacent angles equal to two right angles, the two straight lines will be in a straight line with one another. 1
For with any straight line AB
, and at the point B
on it, let the two straight lines BC
, BD
not lying on the same side make the adjacent angles ABC
equal to two right angles;
I say that BD
is in a straight line with CB
For, if BD
is not in a straight line with BC
, let BE
be in a straight line with CB
Then, since the straight line AB
stands on the straight line CBE
are equal to two right angles. [I. 13]But the angles ABC
are also equal to two right angles;
Let the angle CBA
be subtracted from each; therefore the remaining angle ABE
is equal to the remaining angle ABD
, [C.N. 3]
is not in a straight line with CB
.Similarly we can prove 3 that neither is any other straight line except BD
is in a straight line with BD
.Therefore etc.
If with any straight line....
There is no greater difficulty in translating the works of the Greek geometers than that of accurately giving the force of prepositions. with
, at, and on. The first make
an angle with one another. On the other hand, where the similar expression constructing
an angle (to construct on a given straight line.
equal to the angles
Todhunter points out that for the inference in this line Post. 4, that all right angles are equal, is necessary as well as the Common Notion that things which are equal to the same thing (or rather, here, to equal things) are equal. A similar remark applies to steps in the proofs of I. 15 and I. 28. ↩
we can prove.
The Greek expresses this by the future of the verb, we shall prove,
which however would perhaps be misleading in English. ↩
If two straight lines cut one another, they make the vertical angles 1 equal to one another.
For let the straight lines AB
, CD
cut one another at the point E
I say that the angle AEC
is equal to the angle DEB
to the angle AED
.For, since the straight line AE
stands on the straight line CD
, making the angles CEA
are equal to two right angles I.13Again, since the straight line DE
stands on the straight line AB
, making the angles AED
are equal to two right angles. I.13But the angles CEA
were also proved equal to two right angles;
are equal to the angles AED
. and Let the angle AED
be subtracted from each; therefore the remaining angle CEA
is equal to the remaining angle BED
. it can be proved that the angles CEB
are also equal.
Therefore etc.
[From this it is manifest that, if two straight lines cut one another, they will make the angles at the point of section 2 equal to four right angles.
the vertical angles.
The difference between adjacent angles (
at the point of section,
literally at the section,
In any triangle, if one of the sides be produced, the exterior angle is greater than either of the interior and opposite angles.
be a triangle, and let one side of it BC
be produced to D
I say that the exterior angle 1 ACD
is greater than either of the interior and opposite angles 2 CBA
Let AC
be bisected at E
I.10, and let BE
be joined and produced in a straight line to F
let EF
be made equal to BE
I.3, let FC
be joined, and let AC
be drawn through to G
Then, since AE
is equal to EC
, and BE
to EF
, EB
are equal to the two sides CE
, EF
respectively; and the angle AEB
is equal to the angle FEC
, for they are vertical angles. I.15 Therefore the base AB
is equal to the base FC
, and the triangle ABE
is equal to the triangle CFE
4, and the remaining angles are equal to the remaining angles respectively, namely those which the equal sides subtend; I.4 therefore the angle BAE
is equal to the angle ECF
.But the angle ECD
is greater than the angle ECF
; I.c.n.5
is greater than the angle BAE
.Similarly also, if BC
be bisected, the angle BCG
, that is, the angle ACD
I.15, can be proved greater than the angle ABC
as well.
Therefore etc.
In any triangle two angles taken together in any manner 1 are less than two right angles.
be a triangle; I say that two angles of the triangle ABC
taken together in any manner are less than two right angles.
For let BC
be produced to D
Then, since the angle ACD
is an exterior angle of the triangle ABC
it is greater than the interior and opposite angle ABC
. I.16
be added to each;therefore the angles ACD
are greater than the angles ABC
. But the angles ACD
are equal to two right angles. I.13
Therefore the angles ABC
are less than two right angles.
Similarly we can prove that the angles BAC
are also less than two right angles, and so are the angles CAB
as well.
Therefore etc.
taken together in any manner,
In any triangle the greater side subtends the greater angle.
For let ABC
be a triangle having the side AC
greater than AB
I say that the angle ABC
is also greater than the angle BCA
For, since AC
is greater than AB
, let AD
be made equal to AB
I.3, and let BD
Then, since the angle ADB
is an exterior angle of the triangle BCD
it is greater than the interior and opposite angle DCB
. I.16
But the angle ADB
is equal to the angle ABD
is equal to AD
; therefore the angle ABD
is also greater than the angle ACB
; therefore the angle ABC
is much greater than the angle ACB
. 1Therefore etc.
In the enunciation of this number we have subtend
) used with the simple accusative instead of the more usual
In any triangle the greater angle is subtended by the greater side.
be a triangle having the angle ABC
greater than the angle BCA
I say that the side AC
is also greater than the side AB
For, if not, AC
is either equal to AB
or less.
Now AC
is not equal to AB
; for then the angle ABC
would also have been equal to the angle ACB
; I.5 but it is not;
is not equal to AB
.Neither is AC
less than AB
, for then the angle ABC
would also have been less than the angle ACB
; I.18 but it is not;
is not less than AB
.And it was proved that it is not equal either.
is greater than AB
.Therefore etc.
In any triangle two sides taken together in any manner are greater than the remaining one. 1
For let ABC
be a triangle; I say that in the triangle ABC
two sides taken together in any manner are greater than the remaining one, namely
, AC
greater than BC
, AB
, BC
greater than AC
, BC
, CA
greater than AB
.For let BA
be drawn through to the point D
, let DA
be made equal to CA
, and let DC
be joined.
Then, since DA
is equal to AC
, the angle ADC
is also equal to the angle ACD
; I.5
is greater than the angle ADC
. I.c.n.5And, since DCB
is a triangle having the angle BCD
greater than the angle BDC
is greater than BC
.But DA
is equal to AC
, AC
are greater than BC
.Similarly we can prove that AB
, BC
are also greater than CA
, and BC
, CA
than AB
Therefore etc.
It was the habit of the Epicureans, says Proclus (known
p. 78). Proclus replies truly that a mere perception of the truth of the theorem is a different thing from a scientific proof of it and a knowledge of the reason why it is true. Moreover, as Simson says, the number of axioms should not be increased without necessity. ↩
If on one of the sides of a triangle, from its extremities, there be constructed two straight lines meeting within the triangle,1 the straight lines so constructed 2 will be less than the remaining two sides of the triangle, but will contain a greater angle.
, one of the sides of the triangle ABC
, from its extremities B
, C
, let the two straight lines BD
, DC
be constructed meeting within the triangle;
I say that BD
, DC
are less than the remaining two sides of the triangle BA
, AC
, but contain an angle BDC
greater than the angle BAC
For let BD
be drawn through to E
Then, since in any triangle two sides are greater than the remaining one, I.20
, the two sides AB
, AE
are greater than BE
.Let EC
be added to each;
, AC
are greater than BE
, EC
.Again, since, in the triangle CED
, ED
are greater than CD
, let DB
be added to each; therefore CE
, EB
are greater than CD
, DB
.But BA
, AC
were proved greater than BE
, EC
, AC
are much greater than BD
, DC
.Again, since in any triangle the exterior angle is greater than the interior and opposite angle, I.16 therefore, in the triangle CDE
is greater than the angle CED
.For the same reason, moreover, in the triangle ABE
is greater than the angle BAC
.But the angle BDC
was proved greater than the angle CEB
is much greater than the angle BAC
.Therefore etc.
be constructed...meeting within the triangle.
The word meeting
is not in the Greek, where the words are
the straight lines so constructed.
Observe the elegant brevity of the Greek
Out of three straight lines, which are equal to three given straight lines, to construct a triangle: thus it is necessary 1 that two of the straight lines taken together in any manner should be greater than the remaining one. [I.20] 2 3
Let the three given straight lines be A
, B
, C
, and of these let two taken together in any manner be greater than the remaining one, namely A
, B
greater than C
, C
greater than B
,nd B
, C
greater than A
; thus it is required to construct a triangle out of straight lines equal to A
, B
, C
Let there be set out a straight line DE
, terminated at D
but of infinite length in the direction of E
, and let DF
be made equal to A
, FG
equal to B
, and GH
equal to C
. I.3
With centre F
and distance FD
let the circle DKL
be described; again, with centre G
and distance GH
let the circle KLH
be described; and let KF
, KG
be joined;
I say that the triangle KFG
has been constructed out of three straight lines equal to A
, B
, C
For, since the point F
is the centre of the circle DKL
is equal to FK
.But FD
is equal to A
is also equal to A
.Again, since the point G
is the centre of the circle LKH
is equal to GK
.But GH
is equal to C
is also equal to C
. And FG
is also equal to B
;therefore the three straight lines KF
, FG
, GK
are equal to the three straight lines A
, B
, C
Therefore out of the three straight lines KF
, FG
, GK
, which are equal to the three given straight lines A
, B
, C
, the triangle KFG
has been constructed.
thus it is necessary.
This is usually translated (e.g. by Williamson and Simson)
which is however inaccurate, since the Greek is not definition
or particular statement
of a construction to be effected. Hence, as in the latter case we say thus it is required
(e.g. to bisect the finite straight line AB
, I. 10), we should here translate thus it is necessary.
enunciation note
This is the first case in the
enunciation note
To this enunciation all the MSS. and Boethius add, after the because in any triangle two sides taken together in any manner are greater than the remaining one.
But this explanation has the appearance of a gloss, and it is omitted by Proclus and Campanus. Moreover there is no corresponding addition to the
On a given straight line and at a point on it to construct a rectilineal angle equal to a given rectilineal angle.
Let AB
be the given straight line, A
the point on it, and the angle DCE
the given rectilineal angle;
thus it is required to construct on the given straight line AB
, and at the point A
on it, a rectilineal angle equal to the given rectilineal angle DCE
On the straight lines CD
, CE
respectively let the points D
, E
be taken at random; let DE
be joined, and out of three straight lines which are equal to the three CD
, DE
, CE
let the triangle AFG
be constructed in such a way that CD
is equal to AF
, CE
to AG
, and further DE
to FG
Then, since the two sides DC
, CE
are equal to the two sides FA
, AG
is equal to the base FG
, the angle DCE
is equal to the angle FAG
. I.8Therefore on the given straight line AB
, and at the point A
on it, the rectilineal angle FAG
has been constructed equal to the given rectilineal angle DCE
If two triangles have the two sides equal to two sides respectively, but have the one of the angles contained by the equal straight lines greater than the other, they will also have the base greater than the base.
be two triangles having the two sides AB
, AC
equal to the two sides DE
, DF
respectively, namely AB
to DE
, and AC
to DF
, and let the angle at A
be greater than the angle at D
I say that the base BC
is also greater than the base EF
. 1
For, since the angle BAC
is greater than the angle EDF
, let there be constructed, on the straight line DE
, and at the point D
on it, the angle EDG
equal to the angle BAC
; I.23 let DG
be made equal to either of the two straight lines AC
, DF
, and let EG
, FG
be joined.
Then, since AB
is equal to DE
, and AC
to DG
, the two sides BA
, AC
are equal to the two sides ED
, DG
, respectively;
is equal to the angle EDG
; therefore the base BC
is equal to the base EG
. I.4Again, since DF
is equal to DG
is also equal to the angle DFG
; I.5 therefore the angle DFG
is greater than the angle EGF
.Therefore the angle EFG
is much greater than the angle EGF
And, since EFG
is a triangle having the angle EFG
greater than the angle EGF
is also greater than EF
.But EG
is equal to BC
is also greater than EF
.Therefore etc.
I say that the base BC
is also greater than the base EF
I have naturally left out the well-known words added by Simson in order to avoid the necessity of considering three cases: Of the two sides
, DF
let DE
be the side which is not greater than the other.
I doubt whether Euclid could have been induced to insert the words himself, even if it had been represented to him that their omission meant leaving two possible cases out of consideration. His habit and that of the great Greek geometers was, not to set out all possible cases, but to give as a rule one case, generally the most difficult, as here, and to leave the others to the reader to work out for himself. We have already seen one instance in I. 7. ↩
If two triangles have the two sides equal to two sides respectively, but have the base greater than the base, they will also have the one of the angles contained by the equal straight lines greater than the other.
be two triangles having the two sides AB
, AC
equal to the two sides DE
, DF
respectively, namely AB
to DE
, and AC
to DF
; and let the base BC
be greater than the base EF
I say that the angle BAC
is also greater than the angle EDF
For, if not, it is either equal to it or less.
Now the angle BAC
is not equal to the angle EDF
; for then the base BC
would also have been equal to the base EF
, I.4
is not equal to the angle EDF
.Neither again is the angle BAC
less than the angle EDF
; for then the base BC
would also have been less than the base EF
, I.24
is not less than the angle EDF
.But it was proved that it is not equal either;
is greater than the angle EDF
.Therefore etc.
If two triangles have the two angles equal to two angles respectively, and one side equal to one side, namely, either the side adjoining the equal angles, 1 or that subtending one of the equal angles, they will also have the remaining sides equal to the remaining sides and the remaining angle to the remaining angle.
be two triangles having the two angles ABC
equal to the two angles DEF
respectively, namely the angle ABC
to the angle DEF
, and the angle BCA
to the angle EFD
; and let them also have one side equal to one side, first that adjoining the equal angles, namely BC
to EF
I say that they will also have the remaining sides equal to the remaining sides respectively, namely AB
to DE
and AC
to DF
, and the remaining angle to the remaining angle, namely the angle BAC
to the angle EDF
For, if AB
is unequal to DE
, one of them is greater.
Let AB
be greater, and let BG
be made equal to DE
; and let GC
be joined.
Then, since BG
is equal to DE
, and BC
to EF
, the two sides GB
, BC
are equal to the two sides DE
, EF
respectively; and the angle GBC
is equal to the angle DEF
is equal to the base DF
, and the triangle GBC
is equal to the triangle DEF
, and the remaining angles will be equal to the remaining angles, namely those which the equal sides subtend; I.4 therefore the angle GCB
is equal to the angle DFE
.But the angle DFE
is by hypothesis equal to the angle BCA
; 2
is equal to the angle BCA
, the less to the greater: which is impossible. Therefore AB
is not unequal to DE
, and is therefore equal to it.But BC
is also equal to EF
, BC
are equal to the two sides DE
, EF
respectively, and the angle ABC
is equal to the angle DEF
; therefore the base AC
is equal to the base DF
, and the remaining angle BAC
is equal to the remaining angle EDF
. I.4Again, let sides subtending equal angles be equal, as AB
to DE
I say again that the remaining sides will be equal to the remaining sides, namely AC
to DF
and BC
to EF
, and further the remaining angle BAC
is equal to the remaining angle EDF
For, if BC
is unequal to EF
, one of them is greater.
Let BC
be greater, if possible, and let BH
be made equal to EF
; let AH
be joined.
Then, since BH
is equal to EF
, and AB
to DE
, the two sides AB
, BH
are equal to the two sides DE
, EF
respectively, and they contain equal angles;
is equal to the base DF
,and the triangle ABH
is equal to the triangle DEF
, and the remaining angles will be equal to the remaining angles, namely those which the equal sides subtend; I.4
is equal to the angle EFD
.But the angle EFD
is equal to the angle BCA
; therefore, in the triangle AHC
, the exterior angle BHA
is equal to the interior and opposite angle BCA
Therefore BC
is not unequal to EF
But AB
is also equal to DE
; therefore the two sides AB
, BC
are equal to the two sides DE
, EF
respectively, and they contain equal angles;
is equal to the base DF
, the triangle ABC
equal to the triangle DEF
,and the remaining angle BAC
equal to the remaining angle EDF
. I.4
Therefore etc.
If a straight line falling on two straight lines 1 make the alternate angles [^I.27:2] equal to one another, the straight lines will be parallel to one another.
For let the straight line EF
falling on the two straight lines AB
, CD
make the alternate angles AEF
equal to one another;
I say that AB
is parallel to CD
For, if not, AB
, CD
when produced will meet either in the direction of B
, D
or towards A
, C
. [^I.27:3]
Let them be produced and meet, in the direction of B
, D
, at G
Then, in the triangle GEF
, the exterior angle AEF
is equal to the interior and opposite angle EFG
: which is impossible. I.16
Therefore AB
, CD
when produced will not meet in the direction of B
, D
Similarly it can be proved that neither will they meet towards A
, C
But straight lines which do not meet in either direction are parallel; I.def.23
is parallel to CD
.Therefore etc.
[^I.27:2] the alternate angles,
falling on two straight lines,
If a straight line falling on two straight lines make the exterior angle equal to the interior and opposite angle on the same side, or the interior angles on the same side equal to two right angles, the straight lines will be parallel to one another.
For let the straight line EF
falling on the two straight lines AB
, CD
make the exterior angle EGB
equal to the interior and opposite angle GHD
, or the interior angles on the same side, namely BGH
, equal to two right angles;
I say that AB
is parallel to CD
For, since the angle EGB
is equal to the angle GHD
, while the angle EGB
is equal to the angle AGH
, I.15 the angle AGH
is also equal to the angle GHD
; and they are alternate;
is parallel to CD
. I.27Again, since the angles BGH
are equal to two right angles, and the angles AGH
are also equal to two right angles, I.13 the angles AGH
are equal to the angles BGH
Let the angle BGH
be subtracted from each; therefore the remaining angle AGH
is equal to the remaining angle GHD
; and they are alternate;
is parallel to CD
. I.27Therefore etc.
A straight line falling on parallel straight lines makes the alternate angles equal to one another, the exterior angle equal to the interior and opposite angle, and the interior angles on the same side equal to two right angles.
For let the straight line EF
fall on the parallel straight lines AB
, CD
I say that it makes the alternate angles AGH
equal, the exterior angle EGB
equal to the interior and opposite angle GHD
, and the interior angles on the same side, namely BGH
, equal to two right angles.
For, if the angle AGH
is unequal to the angle GHD
, one of them is greater.
Let the angle AGH
be greater.
Let the angle BGH
be added to each; therefore the angles AGH
are greater than the angles BGH
But the angles AGH
are equal to two right angles; I.13
are less than two right angles.But straight lines produced indefinitely from angles less than two right angles meet; [] 1
, CD
, if produced indefinitely, will meet; but they do not meet, because they are by hypothesis parallel. 2 Therefore the angle AGH
is not unequal to the angle GHD
Again, the angle AGH
is equal to the angle EGB
; I.15
is also equal to the angle GHD
. I.c.n.1Let the angle BGH
be added to each;
are equal to the angles BGH
. I.c.n.2But the angles EGB
are equal to two right angles; I.13
are also equal to two right angles.Therefore etc.
Straight lines parallel to the same straight line are also parallel to one another.
Let each of the straight lines AB
, CD
be parallel to EF
; I say that AB
is also parallel to CD
For let the straight line GK
fall upon them;
Then, since the straight line GK
has fallen on the parallel straight lines AB
, EF
is equal to the angle GHF
. I.29Again, since the straight line GK
has fallen on the parallel straight lines EF
, CD
is equal to the angle GKD
. I.29But the angle AGK
was also proved equal to the angle GHF
is also equal to the angle GKD
; I.c.n.1and they are alternate.
Therefore AB
is parallel to CD
. 1
The usual conclusion in general terms (Therefore etc.
) repeating the enunciation is, curiously enough, wanting at the end of this proposition. ↩
Through a given point to draw a straight line parallel to a given straight line.
Let A
be the given point, and BC
the given straight line; thus it is required to draw through the point A
a straight line parallel to the straight line BC
Let a point D
be taken at random on BC
, and let AD
be joined; on the straight line DA
, and at the point A
on it, let the angle DAE
be constructed equal to the angle ADC
I.23; and let the straight line AF
be produced in a straight line with EA
Then, since the straight line AD
falling on the two straight lines BC
, EF
has made the alternate angles EAD
equal to one another,
is parallel to BC
. I.27Therefore through the given point A
the straight line EAF
has been drawn parallel to the given straight line BC
In any triangle, if one of the sides be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles, and the three interior angles of the triangle are equal to two right angles.
be a triangle, and let one side of it BC
be produced to D
I say that the exterior angle ACD
is equal to the two interior and opposite angles CAB
, and the three interior angles of the triangle ABC
are equal to two right angles.
For let CE
be drawn through the point C
parallel to the straight line AB
. I.31
Then, since AB
is parallel to CE
has fallen upon them, the alternate angles BAC
are equal to one another. I.29Again, since AB
is parallel to CE
has fallen upon them,the exterior angle ECD
is equal to the interior and opposite angle ABC
. I.29
But the angle ACE
was also proved equal to the angle BAC
is equal to the two interior and opposite angles BAC
.Let the angle ACB
be added to each;
are equal to the three angles ABC
.But the angles ACD
are equal to two right angles; I.13
are also equal to two right angles.Therefore etc.
The straight lines joining equal and parallel straight lines (at the extremities which are) in the same directions (respectively) [^I.33:1] are themselves also equal and parallel.
Let AB
, CD
be equal and parallel, and let the straight lines AC
, BD
join them (at the extremities which are) in the same directions (respectively); I say that AC
, BD
are also equal and parallel.
Let BC
be joined.
Then, since AB
is parallel to CD
, and BC
has fallen upon them,
are equal to one another. I.29And, since AB
is equal to CD
is common, the two sides AB
, BC
are equal to the two sides DC
, CB
; 1 and the angle ABC
is equal to the angle BCD
; therefore the base AC
is equal to the base BD
, and the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle DCB
, and the remaining angles will be equal to the remaining angles respectively, namely those which the equal sides subtend; I.4 therefore the angle ACB
is equal to the angle CBD
.And, since the straight line BC
falling on the two straight lines AC
, BD
has made the alternate angles equal to one another,
is parallel to BD
. I.27And it was also proved equal to it.
Therefore etc.
[^I.33:1]. joining...(at the extremities which are) in the same directions (respectively).
I have for clearness' sake inserted the words in brackets though they are not in the original Greek, which has the same directions
or on the same sides,
tiwards the same parts,
though usage has sanctioned it, is perhaps not quite satisfactory.
and 18. DCB
. The Greek has
and BC
, CD
in these places respectively. Euclid is not always careful to write in corresponding order the letters denoting corresponding points in congruent figures. On the contrary, he evidently prefers the alphabetical order, and seems to disdain to alter it for the sake of beginners or others who might be confused by it. In the case of angles alteration is perhaps unnecessary; but in the case of triangles and pairs of corresponding sides I have ventured to alter the order to that which the mathematician of to-day expects. ↩BCD
In parallelogrammic areasi 1 the opposite sides and angles are equal to one another, and the diameter bisects the areas.
be a parallelogrammic area, and BC
its diameter; I say that the opposite sides and angles of the parallelogram ACDB
are equal to one another, and the diameter BC
bisects it.
For, since AB
is parallel to CD
, and the straight line BC
has fallen upon them,
are equal to one another. I.29Again, since AC
is parallel to BD
, and BC
has fallen upon them,
are equal to one another. I.29Therefore ABC
2 are two triangles having the two angles ABC
equal to the two angles DCB
respectively, and one side equal to one side, namely that adjoining the equal angles and common to both of them, BC
is equal to CD
, and AC
to BD
,and further the angle BAC
is equal to the angle CDB
And, since the angle ABC
is equal to the angle BCD
to the angle ACB
, the whole angle ABD
is equal to the whole angle ACD
. I.c.n.2And the angle BAC
was also proved equal to the angle CDB
Therefore in parallelogrammic areas the opposite sides and angles are equal to one another.
I say, next, that the diameter also bisects the areas.
For, since AB
is equal to CD
, and BC
is common, the two sides AB
, BC
are equal to the two sides DC
, CB
is equal to the angle BCD
; therefore the base AC
is also equal to DB
, and the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle DCB
. I.4Therefore the diameter BC
bisects the parallelogram ACDB
parallelogrammic areas
It is to be observed that, when parallelograms have to be mentioned for the first time, Euclid calls them parallelogrammic areas
or, more exactly, parallelogram
areas (parallelogram
was first introduced by Euclid, that its use was suggested by I. 33, and that the formation of the word
and DC
, CB
. The Greek has in these places
and BCD
respectively. Cf. note on I. 33, lines 15, 18. ↩CD
, BC
Parallelograms which are on the same base and in the same parallels are equal to one another.
be parallelograms on the same base BC
and in the same parallels AF
, BC
; I say that ABCD
is equal to the parallelogram EBCF
For, since ABCD
is a parallelogram,
is equal to BC
. I.34For the same reason also
is equal to BC
, so that AD
is also equal to EF
; I.c.n.1and DE
is common;
is equal to the whole DF
. I.c.n.2But AB
is also equal to DC
; I.34 therefore the two sides EA
, AB
are equal to the two sides FD
, DC
1 is equal to the angle EAB
, the exterior to the interior; I.29 therefore the base EB
is equal to the base FC
, and the triangle EAB
will be equal to the triangle FDC
. I.4Let DGE
be subtracted 2 from each; therefore the trapezium ABGD
which remains is equal to the trapezium EGCF
which remains. I.c.n.3
Let the triangle GBC
be added to each; therefore the whole parallelogram ABCD
is equal to the whole parallelogram EBCF
. I.c.n.2
Therefore etc.
Parallelograms which are on equal bases and in the same parallels are equal to one another.
be parallelograms which are on equal bases BC
, FG
and in the same parallels AH
, BG
; I say that the parallelogram ABCD
is equal to EFGH
For let BE
, CH
be joined.
Then, since BC
is equal to FG
while FG
is equal to EH
is also equal to EH
. I.c.n.1But they are also parallel.
And EB
, HC
join them; but straight lines joining equal and parallel straight lines (at the extremities which are) in the same directions (respectively) are equal and parallel. I.33
Therefore EBCH
is a parallelogram. I.34
And it is equal to ABCD
; for it has the same base BC
with it, and is in the same parallels BC
, AH
with it. I.35
For the same reason also EFGH
is equal to the same EBCH
; I.35 so that the parallelogram ABCD
is also equal to EFGH
. I.c.n.1
Therefore etc.
Triangles which are on the same base and in the same parallels are equal to one another.
be triangles on the same base BC
and in the same parallels AD
, BC
; I say that the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle DBC
Let AD
be produced in both directions to E
, F
; through B
let BE
be drawn parallel to CA
, I.31 and through C
let CF
be drawn parallel to BD
. I.31
Then each of the figures EBCA
is a parallelogram; and they are equal,
for they are on the same base BC
and in the same parallels BC
, EF
. I.35
Moreover the triangle ABC
is half of the parallelogram EBCA
; for the diameter AB
bisects it. I.34
And the triangle DBC
is half of the parallelogram DBCF
; for the diameter DC
bisects it. I.34
[But the halves of equal things are equal to one another.] 1
Therefore the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle DBC
Therefore etc.
But the halves of equal things are equal to one another
Here and in the next proposition Heiberg brackets the words But the halves of equal things are equal to one another
on the ground that, since the
Triangles which are on equal bases and in the same parallels are equal to one another.
be triangles on equal bases BC
, EF
and in the same parallels BF
, AD
; I say that the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle DEF
For let AD
be produced in both directions to G
, H
; through B
let BG
be drawn parallel to CA
, I.31 and through F
let FH
be drawn parallel to DE
Then each of the figures GBCA
is a parallelogram; and GBCA
is equal to DEFH
for they are on equal bases BC
, EF
and in the same parallels BF
, GH
. I.36
Moreover the triangle ABC
is half of the parallelogram GBCA
; for the diameter AB
bisects it. I.34
And the triangle FED
is half of the parallelogram DEFH
; for the diameter DF
bisects it. I.34
[But the halves of equal things are equal to one another.]
Therefore the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle DEF
Therefore etc.
Equal triangles which are on the same base and on the same side are also in the same parallels.
be equal triangles which are on the same base BC
and on the same side of it; [I say that they are also in the same parallels.] 1
And [For] let AD
be joined; I say that AD
is parallel to BC
For, if not, let AE
be drawn through the point A
parallel to the straight line BC
, I.31 and let EC
be joined.
Therefore the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle EBC
; for it is on the same base BC
with it and in the same parallels. I.37
is equal to DBC
is also equal to EBC
, I.c.n.1 the greater to the less: which is impossible.Therefore AE
is not parallel to BC
Similarly we can prove that neither is any other straight line except AD
is parallel to BC
.Therefore etc.
[I say that they are also in the same parallels.]
Heiberg has proved (
And let AD
be joined
are part of the setting-out (definition(of the thing to be proved) should precede. The interpolator then altered
Forin the next sentence. ↩
Equal triangles which are on equal bases and on the same side are also in the same parallels
be equal triangles on equal bases BC
, CE
and on the same side.
I say that they are also in the same parallels.
For let AD
be joined; I say that AD
is parallel to BE
For, if not, let AF
be drawn through A
parallel to BE
I.31, and let FE
be joined.
Therefore the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle FCE
; for they are on equal bases BC
, CE
and in the same parallels BE
, AF
. I.38
But the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle DCE
is also equal to the triangle FCE
, I.c.n.1 the greater to the less: which is impossible. Therefore AF
is not parallel to BE
.Similarly we can prove that neither is any other straight line except AD
is parallel to BE
.Therefore etc.
If a parallelogram have the same base with a triangle and be in the same parallels, the parallelogram is double of the triangle.
For let the parallelogram ABCD
have the same base BC
with the triangle EBC
, and let it be in the same parallels BC
, AE
I say that the parallelogram ABCD
is double of the triangle BEC
For let AC
be joined.
Then the triangle ABC
is equal to the triangle EBC
; for it is on the same base BC
with it and in the same parallels BC
, AE
. I.37
But the parallelogram ABCD
is double of the triangle ABC
for the diameter AC
bisects it; I.34
so that the parallelogram ABCD
is also double of the triangle EBC
Therefore etc.
To construct, in a given rectilineal angle, a parallelogram equal to a given triangle.
be the given triangle, and D
the given rectilineal angle; thus it is required to construct in the rectilineal angle D
a parallelogram equal to the triangle ABC
Let BC
be bisected at E
, and let AE
be joined; on the straight line EC
, and at the point E
on it, let the angle CEF
be constructed equal to the angle D
; I.23 through A
let AG
be drawn parallel to EC
, and I.31 through C
let CG
be drawn parallel to EF
is a parallelogram.
And, since BE
is equal to EC
is also equal to the triangle AEC
, for they are on equal bases BE
, EC
and in the same parallels BC
, AG
; I.38 therefore the triangle ABC
is double of the triangle AEC
.But the parallelogram FECG
is also double of the triangle AEC
, for it has the same base with it and is in the same parallels with it; I.41
is equal to the triangle ABC
.And it has the angle CEF
equal to the given angle D
Therefore the parallelogram FECG
has been constructed equal to the given triangle ABC
, in the angle CEF
which is equal to D
In any parallelogram the complements 1 of the parallelograms about the diameter are equal to one another.
be a parallelogram, and AC
its diameter; and about AC
let EH
, FG
be parallelograms, and BK
, KD
2 the so-called complements;
I say that the complement BK
is equal to the complement KD
For, since ABCD
is a parallelogram, and AC
its diameter,
is equal to the triangle ACD
. I.34Again, since EH
is a parallelogram, and AK
is its diameter,
is equal to the triangle AHK
.For the same reason
is also equal to KGC
.Now, since the triangle AEK
is equal to the triangle AHK
to KGC
,the triangle AEK
together with KGC
is equal to the triangle AHK
together with KFC
. I.c.n.2
And the whole triangle ABC
is also equal to the whole ADC
; therefore the complement BK
which remains is equal to the complement KD
which remains. I.c.n.3
Therefore etc.
and about AC....
Euclid's phraseology here and in the next proposition implies that the complements as well as the other parallelograms are about
the diagonal. The words are here the so-called complements
indicates that this technical use of
To a given straight line to apply, in a given rectilineal angle, a parallelogram equal to a given triangle.
Let AB
be the given straight line, C
the given triangle and D
the given rectilineal angle; thus it is required to apply to the given straight line AB
, in an angle equal to the angle D
, a parallelogram equal to the given triangle C
Let the parallelogram BEFG
be constructed equal to the triangle C
, in the angle EBG
which is equal to D
I.42; let it be placed so that BE
is in a straight line with AB
; letFG
be drawn through to H
, and let AH
be drawn through A
parallel to either BG
or EF
. I.31
Let HB
be joined.
Then, since the straight line HF
falls upon the parallels AH
, EF
, 1
are equal to two right angles. I.29Therefore the angles BHG
are less than two right angles; and straight lines produced indefinitely from angles less than two right angles meet;
, FE
, when produced, will meet.Let them be produced and meet at K
; through the point K
let KL
be drawn parallel to either EA
or FH
, I.31 and let HA
, GB
be produced to the points L
, M
is a parallelogram, HK
is its diameter, and AG
, ME
are parallelograms. and LB
, BF
the so-called complements, about HK
is equal to BF
. I.43But BF
is equal to the triangle C
is also equal to C
. I.c.n.1And, since the angle GBE
is equal to the angle ABM
, I.15
is equal to D
, the angle ABM
is also equal to the angle D
.Therefore the parallelogram LB
equal to the given triangle C
has been applied to the given straight line AB
, in the angle ABM
which is equal to D
since the straight line HF falls...."
The verb is in the aorist (
To construct, in a given rectilineal angle, a parallelogram equal to a given rectilineal figure.
be the given rectilineal figure 1 and E
the given rectilineal angle; thus it is required to construct, in the given angle E
, a parallelogram equal to the rectilineal figure ABCD
Let DB
be joined, and let the parallelogram FH
be constructed equal to the triangle ABD
, in the angle HKF
which is equal to E
; I.42 let the parallelogram GM
equal to the triangle DBC
be applied to the straight line GH
, in the angle GHM
which is equal to E
. I.44
Then, since the angle E
is equal to each of the angles HKF
is also equal to the angle GHM
. [I.c.n.1]Let the angle KHG
be added to each; therefore the angles FKH
are equal to the angles KHG
But the angles FKH
are equal to two right angles; I.29 therefore the angles KHG
are also equal to two right angles.
Thus, with a straight line GH
, and at the point H
on it, two straight lines KH
, HM
not lying on the same side make the adjacent angles equal to two right angles;
is in a straight line with HM
. I.14And, since the straight line HG
falls upon the parallels KM
, FG
, the alternate angles MHG
are equal to one another. I.29
Let the angle HGL
be added to each; therefore the angles MHG
are equal to the angles HGF
. [I.c.n.2]
But the angles MHG
are equal to two right angles; I.29 therefore the angles HGF
are also equal to two right angles. [I.c.n.1]
is in a straight line with GL
. I.14And, since FK
is equal and parallel to HG
, I.34
to ML
is also equal and parallel to ML
; [I.c.n.1;1.30] and the straight lines KM
, FL
join them (at their extremities); therefore KM
, FL
are also equal and parallel. I.33
is a parallelogram.And, since the triangle ABD
is equal to the parallelogram FH
to GM
,the whole rectilineal figure ABCD
is equal to the whole parallelogram KFLM
Therefore the parallelogram KFLM
has been constructed equal to the given rectilineal figure ABCD
, in the angle FKM
which is equal to the given angle E
rectilineal figure, in the Greek
On a given straight line to describe a square.
Let AB
be the given straight line; thus it is required to describe a square on the straight line AB
. 1
Let AC
be drawn at right angles to the straight line AB
from the point A
on it I.11, and let AD
be made equal to AB
; through the point D
let DE
be drawn parallel to AB
, and through the point B
let BE
be drawn parallel to AD
. I.31
Therefore ADEB
is a parallelogram;
is equal to DE
, and AD
to BE
. I.34But AB
is equal to AD
, AD
, DE
, EB
are equal to one another;therefore the parallelogram ADEB
is equilateral.
I say next that it is also right-angled.
For, since the straight line AD
falls upon the parallels AB
, DE
are equal to two right angles. I.29But the angle BAD
is right;
is also right.And in parallelogrammic areas the opposite sides and angles are equal to one another; I.34
is also right. Therefore ADEB
is right-angled.And it was also proved equilateral.
Therefore it is a square; and it is described on the straight line AB
Proclus (from
one side, and corresponds to the multiplication of the number representing the side by itself. ↩
In right-angled triangles the square on 1 the side subtending the right angle 2 is equal to the squares on the sides containing the right angle.
be a right-angled triangle having the angle BAC
I say that the square on BC
is equal to the squares on BA
, AC
For let there be described on BC
the square BDEC
, and on BA
, AC
the squares GB
, HC
; I.46 through A
let AL
be drawn parallel to either BD
or CE
, and let AD
, FC
be joined.
Then, since each of the angles BAC
is right, it follows that with a straight line BA
, and at the point A
on it, the two straight lines AC
, AG
not lying on the same side make the adjacent angles equal to two right angles;
is in a straight line with AG
. I.14For the same reason
is also in a straight line with AH
.And, since the angle DBC
is equal to the angle FBA
: for each is right: let the angle ABC
be added to each;
is equal to the whole angle FBC
. I.c.n.2And, since DB
is equal to BC
, and FB
to BA
, the two sides AB
, BD
are equal to the two sides FB
, BC
respectively, 3
is equal to the angle FBC
; therefore the base AD
is equal to the base FC
, and the triangle ABD
is equal to the triangle FBC
. I.4Now the parallelogram BL
is double of the triangle ABD
, for they have the same base BD
and are in the same parallels BD
, AL
. I.41
And the square GB
is double of the triangle FBC
, for they again have the same base FB
and are in the same parallels FB
, GC
. I.41
[But the doubles of equals are equal to one another.] 4
is also equal to the square GB
.Similarly, if AE
, BK
be joined, the parallelogram CL
can also be proved equal to the square HC
is equal to the two squares GB
, HC
. I.c.n.2And the square BDEC
is described on BC
, HC
on BA
, AC
.Therefore the square on the side BC
is equal to the squares on the sides BA
, AC
Therefore etc.
the square on
subtending the right angle.
Here subtending,
is used with the simple accusative (
the two sides AB, BD....
Euclid actually writes
and therefore the equal sides in the two triangles are not mentioned in corresponding order, though he adheres to the words DB
, BA
Here DB
is equal to BC
and BA
to FB
. ↩
[But the doubles of equals are equal to one another.]
Heiberg brackets these words as an interpolation, since it quotes a
If in a triangle the square on one of the sides be equal to the squares on the remaining two sides of the triangle, the angle contained by the remaining two sides of the triangle is right.
For in the triangle ABC
let the square on one side BC
be equal to the squares on the sides BA
, AC
I say that the angle BAC
is right.
For let AD
be drawn from the point A
at right angles to the straight line AC
, let AD
be made equal to BA
, and let DC
be joined.
Since DA
is equal to AB
, the square on DA
is also equal to the square on AB
Let the square on AC
be added to each;
, AC
are equal to the squares on BA
, AC
.But the square on DC
is equal to the squares on DA
, AC
, for the angle DAC
is right; I.47 and the square on BC
is equal to the squares on BA
, AC
, for this is the hypothesis;
is equal to the square on BC
, so that the side DC
is also equal to BC
.And, since DA
is equal to AB
, and AC
is common,
, AC
are equal to the two sides BA
, AC
;and the base DC
is equal to the base BC
is equal to the angle BAC
. I.8But the angle DAC
is right;
is also right.Therefore etc.