Proposition I.2
Construct equal segments by extension
To place at a given point (as an extremity) a straight line equal to a given straight line.
Let A
be the given point, and BC
the given straight line.
Thus it is required to place at the point A
(as an extremity)1 a straight line equal to the given straight line BC
From the point A
to the point B
let the straight line AB
be joined; and on it let the equilateral triangle DAB
be constructed. I.1
Let the straight lines AE
, BF
be produced2 in a straight line with DA
, DB
; with centre B
and distance BC
let the circle CGH
be described; and again, with centre D
and distance DG
let the circle GKL
be described.
Then, since the point B
is the centre of the circle CGH
is equal toBG
Again, since the point D
is the centre of the circle GKL
is equal toDG
And in these DA
is equal to DB
But BC
was also proved equal to BG
- therefore each of the straight lines
is equal toBG
And things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another; I.c.n.1
- therefore
is also equal toBC
Therefore at the given point A
the straight line AL
is placed equal to the given straight line BC
- (Being) what it was required to do.
(as an extremity).
I have inserted these words becauseto place a straight line at a given point
(πρὸς τῷ δοθέντι σημείῳ ) is not quite clear enough, at least in English. ↩ -
Let the straight lines AE, BF be produced....
It will be observed that in this first application of Postulate 2, and again in I. 5, Euclid speaks of the continuation of the straight line as that which is produced in such cases,ἐκβεβλήσθωσαν andπροσεκβεβλήσθωσαν meaning little more than drawing straight linesin a straight line with
the given straight lines. The first place in which Euclid uses phraseology exactly corresponding to ours whenspeaking of a straight line being produced is in I. 16: let one side of it,
, be produced toD
προσεκβεβλήσθω αὐτοῦ μία πλευρὰ ἡ ΒΓ ἐπὶ τὸ Δ ). ↩ -
the remainder AL...the remainder BG.
The Greek expressions areλοιπὴ ἡ ΑΛ andλοιπῇ τῇ BH, and the literal translation would be
but the shade of meaning conveyed by the position of the definite article can hardly be expressed in English. ↩AL
) remaining,